The Winter Wellness Challenge #2

Did you read my last post about keeping up your motivation and health over the winter?
Y’all are AWESOME!  Love, love, love the posts about how you are moving your body in the #WinterWellnessChallenge.  If you missed it, it’s not too late to catch up here.

So, now we know that it’s not too cold to work out. Moving our bodies is a gift and there are a lot of ways to do it that are enjoyable!

Now, let’s chat about FOOD.  

What we tell ourselves:
“The holidays are meant for comfort food and indulgence.”
Try telling yourself: “I can enjoy a variety of foods, including treats, any time of year and balance them with healthy options. The holidays are meant for connecting with friends and family and enjoying time together.”

I get it.  We are bombarded year-round with junk food—the Halloween through Easter season with its cakes, candy, cookies, and processed carbs are in full force. AND they are presented with a heavy dose of love and celebration which adds to their lure. Take a moment to think about where these traditions and habits came from. When you think about it, it’s understandable that we make these associations—we’ve often been taught this from the time we were kids.  But, we can teach ourselves new things! Make new traditions and make new habits.

Let’s be honest, these foods are not forbidden. They are not in scarce supply.  It is okay to have a treat here and there without issue. So when the holidays come around, we don’t have to go hog wild!  We can focus more on enjoying time with friends and family and still honor our body with healthy foods.

I know you’ve heard a bunch of tips before, but which ones are right for you? Be the one to bring healthy options to the potluck. Stay away from the kitchen as much as possible while you are there. Keep your hands busy with a water bottle or cup of hot coffee or tea. Keep your mouth busy with gum or a lozenge to keep from reaching for something.  Be the one to plan to do something active (go for a walk, get on the floor with the kids, challenge someone to a game of hoops) instead of hanging out around the table. No need to take leftovers home – keep the fun foods that are hard to resist out of the house (or at least out of sight!)  And don’t let Aunt Betsy shame you into taking a bite of her pecan pie or anyone else comment on YOUR eating habits while you’re at it. You do you.

Put it on paper:

1. Write down three “Achilles heels” that you encounter over the winter/holidays. Is it the leftover Halloween candy calling from the bowl on the table?  Is it the Thanksgiving food coma and nap? Is it the neighborhood cookie swap?
2. Now put your coach hat on and brainstorm ways to get around that challenge (hint—If your best friend came to you upset about this struggle, what would you tell them to do?)  Keep thinking, there ARE ways around every struggle my friend.

Don’t forget to join our Winter Wellness Challenge and get a gift from me!

Here’s the plan:

1. If you missed Winter Wellness Challenge #1 check it out here.  We are tackling the second one today and I’m going to send you another one next week.

2. If you want to play along with my challenge, complete the “Put it on paper” homework for each week and share a tip for others on Facebook or Instagram.  Use the hashtag #WinterWellnessChallenge AND tag @SignaturePrimaryCareandWellness in each post.

3. Join the Enjoy Wellness Facebook group to hang out with my crew and get more support and accountability.

4. If you complete all four posts and join the group by January 1st, you will not only feel SO MUCH better going through winter, but you will also get a gift from me.  That is right. I feel so strongly about this I want EVERYONE who does this to get a prize from me.

Keep those Winter Wellness Tips coming on Facebook or Instagram!

Dr. Paige Gutheil is a board-certified osteopathic family medicine physician and advocate for a Whole Health approach to your wellness.  She is on a mission to help people thrive by looking at all the influences on health...body, mind, and spirit. Dr. Paige is the founder of an innovative team-based direct primary care practice, Signature Primary Care and Wellness in Hilliard, Ohio. She and her colleagues provide comprehensive primary care, counseling, coaching, nutrition education and yoga to help people all over central Ohio and beyond make fun, achievable changes towards their healthiest and happiest life possible!