Emsella Now Available at SPCW!


No more running to the bathroom day and night. 

No more leaks when exercising, sneezing, coughing. 

No more strain on your sex life.

Say Yes to freedom to do more activities you enjoy!

Say Yes to more fulfilling intimacy!


Urinary incontinence happens, but it is NOT normal.

Let’s finally start talking about it instead of avoiding the conversation.

I know I’m ready. Are you?

Statistics show that approximately 35% of women worldwide are affected by urinary incontinence, which presents itself in three forms: stress (leakage during physical activity), urge (strong & sudden), and mixed (combination of stress and urge). Incontinence is often a result of child birth and/or the natural aging process, and can have a dramatic effect on a woman’s quality of life. Women often report having to give up exercise and a decrease in self-confidence and intimacy as a result of incontinence.


 You deserve a normal life. You deserve results.

Imagine having control over your bladder again. No more running to the bathroom. No more leaks when you cough. And no more frustration in the bedroom.


 How it Works

Harnessing the power of HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic) technology, BTL EMSELLA™ stimulates the entire pelvic floor at once! With a single session providing thousands of supra-maximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, comparable to thousands of Kegels. (Say whaaat?!) A recent clinical study demonstrated that 95% of patients treated reported satisfaction and significant improvement in their quality of life following six treatments with BTL EMSELLA™. Additionally, 67% of treated patients totally eliminated or decreased the use of hygienic pads in day-to-day life! Schedule your consultation now for your comprehensive plan. Call or text 614-710-0075 to book!


Dr. Paige Gutheil, or Dr. Paige to most, is an osteopathic family physician, teacher and founder of the industry-disrupting holistic healthcare collaborative, Signature Primary Care and Wellness. She has empowered and equipped thousands of patients to stop feeling “sick and tired of being sick and tired” with her Signature Whole Health tools and support systems. A well-respected leader at the healthcare system, professional organization and University levels, she has proven herself an impactful mentor of healthcare professionals and students. Dr. Paige is the recipient of many industry-leading awards from organizations such as Pfizer and Ohio University. An engaging and dynamic speaker, Dr. Paige is sought after to teach about such topics as physician wellness, her Signature approach to patient care and the power of sleep and spirituality in medicine.


 You ready?


 Wanna Finance?